Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A brief explanation:

Let's face it: there's probably a dozen blogs just like this one (I know there are at least four, since I checked out all the URLs that came up as taken) that people don't bother updating, so readers don't bother reading.  And I already have an account on RYM, so why would I waste my time creating a blog specifically for the service that RYM already provides?

Well, to be perfectly honest, RYM doesn't satisfy my ego; there, I'm just another owner, another rating, another number.  But here, even though I'm only another speck of dust in the whole blogging world, at least my opinion is exclusive, my collection is broadcast, and... well, that's it.

I've got plenty of discos compactos (and records, and MP3 albums) to blog about, and my collection will only get bigger as time goes on.  I'm going to do everything in my power to update this blog regularly with exhaustive lists of every album I have by the artist of the hour/day/whatever time period.

Worth noting is that I'm only doing artists I have full albums by; if I've only bought singles on iTunes, they won't get a mention (or at least a post of their own... I may list them collectively somewheres down the line).